07855896660 / 077738170580 alison@naturesbase.co.uk

Booking & Rates

Summer holiday Prices from the 19th July – 30th August 2025.

 If for any reason you have problems please contact us direct using the contact details below

alison@naturesbase.co.uk or ring on 07855 896660 / 07773 817058 

In order to keep Naturesbase unique we only take pre-bookings.
Please note that due to demand and in order to keep the number of pitches to just ten, we can only take minimum of 3 night bookings.

All prices are inclusive of fire pit, cooking grate, hot showers, play area and family barn, kick about area, wildlife walks and children’s campfire evening, activity trail around the site

Family Lodges:
Forest Lodge & Woodland Lodge
Week bookings Saturday to Saturday: £700

Copse Lodge
Week bookings Saturday to Saturday: £1180 up to 10 people and a max of 6 adults. Additional guests ( Max 2 ) £70 each

Shepherd’s Hut
Sleeps 4: Week bookings Friday to Friday: £650 during the holidays.

Naturesbase Camping Pitch 
£35.00 per pitch per night for two people ( minimum of 3 nights)

Additional people: 

  • Children over 16 & Adults: £12.00 per night 
  • Children 4 and over: £6.00 per night
  • Children 3 and under: free
  • Dog: £4.00 per night
  • Extra car: £2.00 per night

Gazebos , awnings, trailers and other camping paraphernalia – no extra charge. If you have a large tent or wish to share a pitch with another family, please contact us as some pitches are bigger than others.

If you plan to come with more than one other family, please contact us and we will try our best to arrange this but can’t guarantee it. We do not accept more than 3 families in a party unless you are an exclusive group booking.

We only have two pitches suitable for trailer tents, so please contact us if you’re planning to bring one. Small trailers can be pushed to most pitches, but please let us know you are bringing one.

We also offer exclusive group booking from early September to mid July for groups based on a minimum 12 people and upto 28 people for a min of two nights. Please contact us before you book.

Please read our terms and conditions which is part of the booking requirement.

Terms and conditions

Our guests’ enjoyment and safety is paramount and therefore we ask you to read the following Terms and Conditions. This contract is with Naturesbase. A contract exists as soon as we have received the deposit from you. The terms contained in this contract do not affect your statutory rights. For large, exclusive groups, please contact us first to discuss your requirements. We only handle bookings from persons over 18 years of age.
01570 471795

Basic Standards
We ask visitors to abide by our very simple expectations laid down below: By making a booking with us you have entered a contract in which you undertake, on behalf of yourself and the people in your party, to adopt the following standards of behaviour:
• An adult must accompany all under 10’s to the hill fort and that no children venture into the sheep meadows, woodland or stream without an adult.
• To act in a courteous and considerate manner towards us, our staff and other guests.
• You further agree that you will not: – commit any criminal offence at the site or undertake any criminal activity – commit any acts of vandalism or nuisance – keep or carry any firearm or any other weapon at the site – use any unlawful drugs – carry on any trade or business on the site – create any disturbance or excessive noise.
• Music / radios etc shall to be kept to a minimum and to be only audible within the close parameters of each pitch or lodges.
• To be quiet from 10.00pm until 7.00am. Please respect your fellow guests and keep noise to an absolute minimum.
• Use the allotted car parking spaces f
We reserve the right to ask guests who contravene these terms and conditions or, who in any other way are behaving in a manner likely to cause distress or nuisance to other visitors, to leave the site immediately. In these circumstances the holiday ceases and no refund will be given.

Health and Safety:
We take the well being and safety of our guests very seriously and we ask that you comply with the following:
• The speed limit on the park is 10 mph.
• All vehicles must conform to the Road Traffic Act and have current tax, MOT and insurance. The provisions of the Highway Code apply to the roads on the park.
• Please make yourself aware of the nearest fire extinguishers and fire assembly point.

A maximum of two dogs are allowed per pitch and large lodge, one in smaller lodges.. If you bring your dog with you when they stay with us we ask that you:
• Keep the dog under control at all times on the site.
• Keep the dog on a short lead on the site at all times except in the designated exercise dog walking areas.
• Clean up after your dog.
• Do not leave your dog unattended at any time.
• Dog noise – it is the owner’s responsibility to ensure their pets noise does not cause disturbance to other guests. We reserve the right to require that the owner removes their dog, from the site if it is a nuisance or danger to other guests.

The use of generators is not permitted. Cutting or damaging trees and other vegetation is strictly prohibited on the site and surrounding lanes and the natural conditions are not to be disturbed. This includes tying ropes to, or driving nails into, trees.

Please leave all washing up areas and toilet areas clean and tidy ready for the next person to use put away any toys or games after use and report any breakages as soon as they occur. Adhere to the notices around the site for your own safety and please do not go into the animal paddocks, vegetable gardens or areas marked private.

Prices: The prices on the website are binding.


We recommend additional cancellation insurance to cover in the event of cancellations.

Booking payments are made in two stages. Once you have provisionally booked we will hold this for 7 days. A 50% deposit for summer holidays, 25% for group bookings must be paid accompanied by a booking form to secure your booking. The balance of the booking must be made at the latest 8 weeks before commencement of your stay. In the event of bookings made within 8 weeks before commencement of your stay the entire booking amount must be paid immediately. Only BACS.

Summer Holiday Family Lodges and the Shepherd’s hut require a £50 refundable damages /additional cleaning deposit they are left excessively dirty and untidy, or pots, pans, plates and cutlery are left greasy or dirty. The cabin should be found clean and tidy after you have left – as you found it. We reserve the right to charge for extra cleaning fees should we find this not to be the case.

Group bookings require a £150 refundable damages deposit. Please also note that the cleaning charge of £80 only covers the general cleaning of the cabin,  and the laundry. It does not cover the cost to unblock the dishwasher, cleaning greasy or dirty oven, pots, pans and baking trays or an excessively dirty and an untidy lodge. The cabin should be found clean and tidy after you have left – as you found it. We reserve the right to charge for extra cleaning fees should we find this not to be the case.

Cancellation of the holiday by you:
You may cancel your holiday at any time. Cancellation will be effective on the date it is received by us. All monies paid are non-refundable. Cancellations within 8 weeks for summer holiday bookings, and 12 weeks for exclusive group bookings will require full payment. We suggest that you arrange travel insurance to cover every eventuality.

Change or cancellation of the holiday by us:
If we are unable to provide the booked holiday and have had to cancel before the holiday is due to start, you are entitled to a full refund of the money you have paid,  Except where the cancellation or change arises from an unforeseeable or unusual occurrence outside our control which includes but are not limited to war, threat of war, riot, terrorist activity, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, closure or restriction in the use of the premises due to the order or advice of the competent local authority as a result of an occurrence of an infectious disease. (As an exception to this rule for coronavirus please see above.)

Force majeure on the side of Naturesbase holidays exists if the implementation of the agreement is entirely or partially, temporarily or permanently prevented due to circumstances which are beyond the control of Naturesbase holidays. It is regretted that no refunds can be given if guests depart prior to the end of the booked holiday. Unless they do so as the result of the breach of some obligation on our part which would justify cancelling the holiday. Liability Naturesbase Ltd accept no liability for: • theft, loss or damage, of whatever nature, during or as a result of a stay at Tyngwndwn Farm.

Despite all the care of Naturesbase holidays it could occur that you have a genuine complaint. Please let us know as soon as possible so that we can resolve it as quickly as possible.

“Sustainable serendipity on a stick’ love what you’ve achieved here. Thank you Alison, Gyles and fanily, the chickens, kittens and pigs.”
Richard, Amanda, Sofia and George